curl -H "Authorization: Basic BASE64_ENCODED_PUBLIC_KEY_AND_PRIVATE_KEY" "https://[your-subdomain]"
Param name |
serializer Optional Blank Value Allowed |
This endpoint supports multiple response formats. Pass
cursor Optional |
The API provides a technique called ‘cursoring' to paginate large result sets. Cursoring separates results into pages (the size of which are defined by the per_page request parameter) and provides a means to move backwards and forwards through these pages. To retrieve cursored results, you initially pass a cursor with a value of -1 to the endpoint. By default, an API endpoint that supports cursoring will assume -1 was passed as cursor if you do not provide one. The response to a cursored request will contain metadata.next_cursor. The next_cursor is the cursor that you should send to the endpoint to receive the next batch of responses. You will know that you have requested the last available page of results when the API responds with a next_cursor = 0.
page Optional |
Return the next page of results.
per_page Optional |
How many results to return per page. The default is 25.
created_at_to Optional |
Date formatted like 2016-01-01 12:25:15 -0500
created_at_from Optional |
Date formatted like 2016-01-01 12:25:15 -0500
fulltext Optional |
Search for any record that matches this text
time_zone Optional |
Date ranges will be parsed using this time zone.
columns Optional |
Specify the columns you would like returned by the API for a given resource.
Limiting the columns can significantly increase API response time since only the requested data will be processed.
Must be any combination of:
root Optional |
created_at_label Optional Blank Value Allowed |
Dynamic Date String such as “Today” or “This Year”
offer_repeat_caller Optional |
Match calls where the Traffic Source had a repeat caller.
buyer_repeat_caller Optional |
Match calls where the Buyer had a repeat caller.
buyer_converted Optional |
Did the buyer convert?
offer_converted Optional |
Did the traffic source convert?
in_progress Optional |
Match calls that are on-going
placed_on_hold Optional |
Was the call placed on hold?
has_recording Optional |
Match calls that have a recording.
either_converted Optional |
Whether this call's buyer or traffic source has converted.
buyer_conversion_duplicated_call Optional |
Match calls where the callerID was a duplicate against the Buyer's conversion settings.
offer_conversion_duplicated_call Optional |
Match calls where the callerID was a duplicate against the Traffic Source's conversion settings.
no_buyer Optional |
Match calls that didn't connect to a Buyer
token_key Optional |
Calls that are tagged with this token will be matched. EG: token_key=buyer_id will return all calls that have a buyer_id token.
token_value Optional |
Will match calls that are tagged with a token:value. EG: token_key=buyer_id:12345 will return all calls that have a buyer_id token with the value set to 12345.
order Optional |
Sort results by this field.
order_dir Optional |
Sort results in ascending or descending order.
number_id Optional |
Refer to the number api for details
offer_id Optional |
Refer to the offer api for details
schedule_id Optional |
Schedule internal id.
traffic_source_id Optional |
Refer to the traffic source api for details
buyer_id Optional |
Refer to the buyer api for details
buyer_group_ids Optional |
Buyer Group Internal ids.
ring_pool_id Optional |
Refer to the Number Pool api for details
id Optional |
An Integer number eg: 12345
provider_configuration_id Optional |
Refer to the provider api for details
contact_id Optional |
Match calls that were placed by this caller.
status Optional |
Match results that have this status.
ended_at_to Optional |
Date formatted like 2016-01-01 12:00:15 -0500
ended_at_from Optional |
Date formatted like 2016-01-01 12:00:15 -0500
curl -H "Authorization: Basic BASE64_ENCODED_PUBLIC_KEY_AND_PRIVATE_KEY" "https://[your-subdomain]"
Param name |
serializer Optional Blank Value Allowed |
This endpoint supports multiple response formats. Pass
caller_number Required |
The caller number. EG: +17191112222
per_page Optional |
How many results to return per page. The default is 25.
curl -H "Authorization: Basic BASE64_ENCODED_PUBLIC_KEY_AND_PRIVATE_KEY" "https://[your-subdomain]"
Param name |
serializer Optional Blank Value Allowed |
This endpoint supports multiple response formats. Pass
curl -H "Authorization: Basic BASE64_ENCODED_PUBLIC_KEY_AND_PRIVATE_KEY" "https://[your-subdomain]"
Param name |
category Required |
page Optional |
Return the next page of results.
per_page Optional |
How many results to return per page. The default is 25.
created_at_to Optional |
Date formatted like 2016-01-01 12:25:15 -0500
created_at_from Optional |
Date formatted like 2016-01-01 12:25:15 -0500
fulltext Optional |
Search for any record that matches this text
time_zone Optional |
Date ranges will be parsed using this time zone.
columns Optional |
Specify the columns you would like returned by the API for a given resource.
Limiting the columns can significantly increase API response time since only the requested data will be processed.
Must be any combination of:
root Optional |
offer_repeat_caller Optional |
Match calls where the Traffic Source had a repeat caller.
buyer_repeat_caller Optional |
Match calls where the Buyer had a repeat caller.
buyer_converted Optional |
Did the buyer convert?
offer_converted Optional |
Did the traffic source convert?
in_progress Optional |
Match calls that are on-going
placed_on_hold Optional |
Was the call placed on hold?
has_recording Optional |
Match calls that have a recording.
either_converted Optional |
Whether this call's buyer or traffic source has converted.
buyer_conversion_duplicated_call Optional |
Match calls where the callerID was a duplicate against the Buyer's conversion settings.
offer_conversion_duplicated_call Optional |
Match calls where the callerID was a duplicate against the Traffic Source's conversion settings.
no_buyer Optional |
Match calls that didn't connect to a Buyer
token_key Optional |
Calls that are tagged with this token will be matched. EG: token_key=buyer_id will return all calls that have a buyer_id token.
token_value Optional |
Will match calls that are tagged with a token:value. EG: token_key=buyer_id:12345 will return all calls that have a buyer_id token with the value set to 12345.
order Optional |
Sort results by this field.
order_dir Optional |
Sort results in ascending or descending order.
number_id Optional |
Refer to the number api for details
offer_id Optional |
Refer to the offer api for details
schedule_id Optional |
Schedule internal id.
traffic_source_id Optional |
Refer to the traffic source api for details
buyer_id Optional |
Refer to the buyer api for details
buyer_group_ids Optional |
Buyer Group Internal ids.
ring_pool_id Optional |
Refer to the Number Pool api for details
id Optional |
An Integer number eg: 12345
provider_configuration_id Optional |
Refer to the provider api for details
contact_id Optional |
Match calls that were placed by this caller.
status Optional |
Match results that have this status.
ended_at_to Optional |
Date formatted like 2016-01-01 12:00:15 -0500
ended_at_from Optional |
Date formatted like 2016-01-01 12:00:15 -0500
curl -H "Authorization: Basic BASE64_ENCODED_PUBLIC_KEY_AND_PRIVATE_KEY" "https://[your-subdomain] 14:21:38 UTC&created_at_to=2025-02-17 02:21:38 +0000&stat=count"
Param name |
group_by Required |
Group calls by one of these attributes.
stat Required |
Return statistics on the grouped calls by one of these numeric columns.
created_at_to Required |
Date formatted like 2016-01-01 12:25:15 -0500
created_at_from Required |
Date formatted like 2016-01-01 12:25:15 -0500
page Optional |
Return the next page of results.
offer_repeat_caller Optional |
Match calls where the Traffic Source had a repeat caller.
buyer_repeat_caller Optional |
Match calls where the Buyer had a repeat caller.
buyer_converted Optional |
Did the buyer convert?
offer_converted Optional |
Did the traffic source convert?
in_progress Optional |
Match calls that are on-going
placed_on_hold Optional |
Was the call placed on hold?
has_recording Optional |
Match calls that have a recording.
either_converted Optional |
Whether this call's buyer or traffic source has converted.
buyer_conversion_duplicated_call Optional |
Match calls where the callerID was a duplicate against the Buyer's conversion settings.
offer_conversion_duplicated_call Optional |
Match calls where the callerID was a duplicate against the Traffic Source's conversion settings.
no_buyer Optional |
Match calls that didn't connect to a Buyer
token_key Optional |
Calls that are tagged with this token will be matched. EG: token_key=buyer_id will return all calls that have a buyer_id token.
token_value Optional |
Will match calls that are tagged with a token:value. EG: token_key=buyer_id:12345 will return all calls that have a buyer_id token with the value set to 12345.
order Optional |
Sort results by this field.
order_dir Optional |
Sort results in ascending or descending order.
number_id Optional |
Refer to the number api for details
offer_id Optional |
Refer to the offer api for details
schedule_id Optional |
Schedule internal id.
traffic_source_id Optional |
Refer to the traffic source api for details
buyer_id Optional |
Refer to the buyer api for details
buyer_group_ids Optional |
Buyer Group Internal ids.
ring_pool_id Optional |
Refer to the Number Pool api for details
id Optional |
An Integer number eg: 12345
provider_configuration_id Optional |
Refer to the provider api for details
contact_id Optional |
Match calls that were placed by this caller.
status Optional |
Match results that have this status.
ended_at_to Optional |
Date formatted like 2016-01-01 12:00:15 -0500
ended_at_from Optional |
Date formatted like 2016-01-01 12:00:15 -0500
Param name |
serializer Optional Blank Value Allowed |
This endpoint supports multiple response formats. Pass
from Required |
The call will originate from this address (+E.164 formatted phone number.) Example: +18665550001
to Required |
The call will be placed to this receiving address (+E.164 formatted phone number.) Example: +18665550001
lead_id Optional |
Optional. Associate this call with this lead.
schedule_id Optional |
Optional. If a lead exists on this schedule, this call will be associated with it. If no lead currently exists, one will be created, and it will be added to this schedule.
offer_id Optional |
Optional. Associate this call with a matching lead on this offer. If no lead currently exists, one will be created on this offer.
curl -H "Authorization: Basic BASE64_ENCODED_PUBLIC_KEY_AND_PRIVATE_KEY" "https://[your-subdomain]"
Param name |
serializer Optional Blank Value Allowed |
This endpoint supports multiple response formats. Pass
id Optional |
Find the call by
curl -H "Authorization: Basic BASE64_ENCODED_PUBLIC_KEY_AND_PRIVATE_KEY" "https://[your-subdomain]"
Call ID
or Call UUID
with contact fields, revenue, payout, and more.
curl -H "Authorization: Basic BASE64_ENCODED_PUBLIC_KEY_AND_PRIVATE_KEY" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"post_call_tokens": {"good_lead":"yes","loan_amount":"500"}}' https://[your-subdomain]
Param name |
serializer Optional Blank Value Allowed |
This endpoint supports multiple response formats. Pass
id Optional |
Find the call by
post_call_tokens Optional |
Custom contact fields defined on the offer.
revenue Optional |
The revenue paid out for the call.
add_revenue Optional |
Add this amount to the call's current revenue. For example pass 2.5 to add 2.5 to the current call revenue. If the call revenue is currently 10.50, the revenue would become 13 (10.50 + 2.50)
add_payout Optional |
Add this amount to the call's current payout.
buyer_converted Optional |
Did the buyer convert?
trackdrive_buyer_id Optional |
Update the winning Buyer that is assigned to this call.
payout Optional |
The amount paid to the traffic source.
offer_converted Optional |
Did the traffic source convert?
trackdrive_traffic_source_id Optional |
Update the Traffic Source that is assigned to this call.
contact_field_type Optional |
Pass an ID belonging to an
fire_outgoing_webhook_ids Optional |
Manually refire the listed outgoing webhook ids against this call.
manual_transcribe Optional |
Manually transcribe this call using the default transcription group.
call_disposition_id Optional Blank Value Allowed |
Call Disposition
agent_call_disposition_notes Optional Blank Value Allowed |
and offer_token
curl -H "Authorization: Basic BASE64_ENCODED_PUBLIC_KEY_AND_PRIVATE_KEY" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"add_revenue": 2.50, "buyer_converted": "true"}' https://[your-subdomain]
curl -H "Authorization: Basic BASE64_ENCODED_PUBLIC_KEY_AND_PRIVATE_KEY" -X POST ""
Param name |
caller_id Required |
The caller ID for the call that will be updated.
offer_token Required |
call_timeframe Optional |
Pass this optional parameter to restrict the call update to calls made in the last
revenue Optional |
Set the call's revenue to this amount. For example pass 10.50 to set the revenue to 10.50
add_revenue Optional |
Add this amount to the call's current revenue. For example pass 2.5 to add 2.5 to the current call revenue. If the call revenue is currently 10.50, the revenue would become 13 (10.50 + 2.50)
add_payout Optional |
Add this amount to the call's current payout.
call_disposition_id Optional Blank Value Allowed |
Call Disposition
agent_call_disposition_notes Optional Blank Value Allowed |
buyer_converted Optional |
Did the buyer convert?
curl -H "Authorization: Basic BASE64_ENCODED_PUBLIC_KEY_AND_PRIVATE_KEY" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"id": "fbd28553-04fc-4c6b-9af8-46c17d5925bf", "digits": "5", "data": {"first_name": "John"}}' "https://[your-subdomain]"
Param name |
id Required |
Find the call by
digits Required |
DTMF digit
data Optional Blank Value Allowed |
Update the call with this data.
curl -H "Authorization: Basic BASE64_ENCODED_PUBLIC_KEY_AND_PRIVATE_KEY" -i -X DELETE "https://[your-subdomain]"
Param name |
serializer Optional Blank Value Allowed |
This endpoint supports multiple response formats. Pass
id Optional |
Find the call by