Param name |
ids Optional |
Return records matching these ids.
page Optional |
Return the next page of results.
per_page Optional |
How many results to return per page. The default is 25.
created_at_to Optional |
Date formatted like 2016-01-01 12:25:15 -0500
created_at_from Optional |
Date formatted like 2016-01-01 12:25:15 -0500
fulltext Optional |
Search for any record that matches this text
time_zone Optional |
Date ranges will be parsed using this time zone.
columns Optional |
Specify the columns you would like returned by the API for a given resource.
Limiting the columns can significantly increase API response time since only the requested data will be processed.
Must be any combination of:
root Optional |
Param name |
file_url Optional |
Audio File URL location. This must be a publicly accessible URL, and cannot have IP restrictions.
postback_url Optional |
Postback URL that we will send the following JSON payload to when the transcription is complete: id, highlighted_utterances, keywords, data, body, utterances, file_url
caller_id Optional Blank Value Allowed |
Caller ID associated with the audio file, which may be used for addition triggers and actions.
dual_channel Optional Blank Value Allowed |
Is the audio file dual channel?
speakers Optional Blank Value Allowed |
Number of people (speakers) in the audio file.
highlight_wrapper_open Optional Blank Value Allowed |
When keywords are highlighted, this is the opening tag, e.g. “This is a {{keyword}}.”
highlight_wrapper_close Optional Blank Value Allowed |
When keywords are highlighted, this is the closing tag, e.g. “This is a {{keyword}}.”
transcription_flow_group_id Optional Blank Value Allowed |
Transcription Flow Group that will be used to process the transcription. This will be used even if an Offer with a Transcription Flow Group is provided.
offer_id Optional Blank Value Allowed |
Offer that will be used to process the transcription. This will be used if a Transcription Flow Group is not provided, as long as the Offer has a Transcription Flow Group.
data Optional Blank Value Allowed |
A JSON object that is used to store information to filter Transcription Flows and Schedule Action Groups. It is automatically updated with Trackdrive tokens (such as zip code, state, etc.). Extra tokens can be applied to Data when specific keywords are found (Transcription Keyword settings), or when an Action is triggered (Action Group > Action settings).
# Submit standalone transcriptions as JSON: curl -H "Authorization: Basic BASE64_ENCODED_PUBLIC_KEY_AND_PRIVATE_KEY" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -X POST \ -d '{"caller_id":"+18004506787","file_url":"","postback_url":"","data":{"loan_amount":"501","custom_token":"the_value"}}' \ "https://[your-subdomain]"
Param name |
file_url Required |
Audio File URL location. This must be a publicly accessible URL, and cannot have IP restrictions.
postback_url Required |
Postback URL that we will send the following JSON payload to when the transcription is complete: id, highlighted_utterances, keywords, data, body, utterances, file_url
Param name |
original_data Optional |
The original data that was provided when the transcription record was created.
keywords Optional |
Keywords that were found in the audio file.
utterances Optional |
Utterances are the spoken words in the audio file, broken down by speaker.
highlighted_utterances Optional |
Highlighted Utterances are the spoken words in the audio file, broken down by speaker, with keywords highlighted.
transcription_processed Optional |
Returns true if the audio file has been transcribed and keywords have been highlighted.
audio_duration Optional |
The detected duration of the audio file in seconds.
body Optional |
The raw transcription text of the audio file.